
September 18, 2010

Fall for 1st Impression

Yeah.. here I am again, writing about silly things. hope you'll enjoy it.

What's your taste for guys? Some of my friend told me that they easily fall for the bad guys type. Those with kinda not so great attitude, with cool hair(maybe long), rough, and everything. This is their taste. Mine? I prefer those with tasbih in their hand, kopiah on their head, shining face (as if the light is directly pointed on their faces), wears jubah, so on and so forth. 

Bad Guy (thx to google)

Yeah. I admit that it's not fair to judge people by that. They are not necessarily nice.(off course most of them are genuinely nice and devoted to Allah) Some of them just follow their peers and the mosque community but with the absence of sincerity. I know because I have been trapped once by that incorrect first impression. I suffer mentally and physically out of it.

But until now, I still prefer those type. But before I can really have the genuine one. Me myself should improve to be match that. Good men are for good women and vice versa. I should be one of the good female first before demanding more...

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