
November 28, 2010

Holiday update

Holiday has started. Being with my family definitely makes me happy.

Days ago, I open up the fridge and I found out that there are too much medications stored inside..I end up checking through them and throw away expired medication. Most of them are antibiotics and also some turbuhalers that my dad never used.

I know that putting medications inside the fridge is not the correct way of storing it as it will affect the stability of the medication. Thus, this can affect the bioavailability and subsequently changing the potency of the medicine. But I can't just reorganize all the stuffs in the house. I'll need to talk to my mom first.

My mom has hypertension, but she is now recovering. I have learned about my parents' diseases and also the medications they are taking. I look through their medicine, hoping that I will remember each of their mechanism of action. But I forgot the M.O.A of enalapril. Huh?! Thinking about revising all these medication during the holiday. Learning all these are essential when I work later in the future. It's not just for the sake of exams! (reminding myself)

My mom bought me a new ear ring. It's gold. But it's just small so it don't really cost that much. Just RM85. The one that I wore since I was in standard 5 is missing. My mom just can't accept if me and my sis don't have piercing on our ears. It kind of a must. She thinks that all women should have it. Eventhough I wear my tudung all the time when I'm going out. Huh?!

Due to the fact that I have contact dermatitis (towards metal), I can only wear golds, silvers and etc.. Yeah.. I'm sure have a real fussy skin!

Haha...For now, that's all. My bro will be home this Wednesday. I just can't wait. Finally, I will have a partner in crime for this holiday. Hehehehe...But for now, I just play with my cat.Uhukk!!

November 22, 2010

Berjiwa muda.

Exam terakhir untuk sem 1 adalah pada 19 Nov 2010 yang lepas. Aku pun "terancang" sesuatu, iaitu mengajak kawan2 untuk tengok filem baru harry potter malam hari tu jugak. Dengan lebih tepat lagi pada tengah malam. Tiket kubeli dengan cara online. Kami pergi berlima.

Kami makan di khaleel pada pukul 9.30pm dan merancang untuk terus ke Queensbay selepas makan. Sebaik saja habis makan, hujan mula turun. Kami menunggu di bawah jejantas sehingga hujan renyai. Tapi sebaik sahaja kami memulakan perjalanan, hujan mula turun dengan lebatnya.....

Bermulalah kisah tragik 5 insan di atas 3 buah motor. Melawan angin dan hujan batu, serta jalan banjir yang sekali-sekala melimpah membanjiri tempat duduk kami. Titisan hujan yang hinggap di muka begitu menyakitkan, sehingga aku sanggup menadahnya dengan membuka mulut luas2. Aku rela minum hujan tu daripada kesakitan menahan titisan hujan yang hinggap di muka.

Sampai di Queensbay, kelihatan tempat parking motor dilanda banjir. Aku masukkan syiling ke dalam pintu parking, tapi syiling stuck. Aku masukkan lagi, macam tu jugak. Lalu aku pun beredar mencari pintu lain, ku masukkan 50sen yang ada, tiba2 motor aku mati. Aku cuba untuk start, namun tidak boleh jugak. Lalu aku mendapat idea untuk menolak motor aku melalui bonggol2 sebelum masuk tempat parking itu, namun tidak berjaya kerana bonggol itu terlalu curam. Dagu aku terhentak di handle motor akibat usaha keras aku. Hujan masih lagi lebat. Tiba2, palang yang tadinya terbuka setelah kembali tertutup. (tett!! masa tamat!). Aku tidak mempunyai syiling lagi. Lalu aku pun cuba menenangkan diri dan berfikir dalam kehujanan itu.

Aku mengambil keputusan untuk mem"parking" motor aku di luar sahaja.

Aku masuk ke dalam Queensbay Mall berjalan kaki seorang diri. Kawan2 aku entah ke mana. Yang pasti mereka telah berjaya "parking" motor masing2. Tidaklah malang seperti aku ni.. Kasut yang licin dan pakaian yang menitiskan air.Aku tergelincir ketika berjalan di atas tiles shopping mall tu. Berjalan kaki naik ke aras 3. (tidak dapat berfikir di mana kedudukan lif pada waktu itu).

Setibanya di depan GSC, aku mencari2 kelibat kawan2ku. Namun tidak kelihatan. Pada saat itu, aku baru sedar yang aku telah menyuruh kawan aku untuk memegang handphone buruk aku. Aku tidak tahu mahu buat apa. Last2 aku pergi menuntut tiket yang dibeli online. Dan dengan tidak tahu malunya meminjam handphone seorang budak perempuan yang juga sedang menunggu tayangan harry potter. Aku hanya dapat ingat nombor telefon aku sendiri. Lalu aku mendail mengharapkan kawanku yang memegang handphone itu akan menjawab.

Akhirnya, kedengaran suara kawan aku di hujung talian. Rupa2nya mereka berada di tandas dari awal lagi. Cuba mengeringkan pakaian menggunakan hand drier di tandas. Aku menunggu mereka naik ke GSC. Orang2 di sekeliling aku melihat aku dari atas ke bawah. Aku pun dah tidak kisah.

Kawan2 aku akhirnya telah datang. Kami pun masuk ke dalam panggung. Habis kerusi tu kami basahkan dengan pakaian kami. Yang penting, kami enjoy tengok movie tu. Seriously, memang best!!

Kami balik dengan perasaan bingung setelah memikirkan apa yang telah kami lakukan sepanjang malam itu. Sangat bersyukur masih lagi diberikan peluang untuk hidup apabila memikirkan betapa bahayanya menunggang motorsikal dalam hujan lebat..Dengan jalan yang banjir.



Aku tengah asyik di depan laptop, tiba2 aku sedar yang seseorang tgh memerhatikan aku.. Waktu telah melebihi tengah malam. Aku sedar dia sedang melihat, aku dapat dengar dengusan nafasnya. (Dia ada asma kot, xpun COPD)

Tempat aku merempat

Setelah beberapa lama berada di situ, akhirnya dia pun bersuara.. Kami berbual2 sehingga pkul 3 pagi.. (Aku ni jenis yang layan je kalau bab2 bual ni, janji org tu pandai bawak aku bercakap)Akhirnya, aku yang mudah bosan ini pun meminta dia untuk pergi jauh. Sebab aku nak tidur. Dia pun membawa diri entah ke mana,

Jam menunjukkan pukul 5 pagi. Aku sudah tidak dapat tidur lagi. Lalu aku pun pergi ke tandas, membasuh muka. Selepas itu, membeli roti untuk dibuat sarapan. Aku menaiki lif ke tingkat 5 dan mendaftar masuk menggunakan kiosk yang sedia ada.

Semasa aku sedang menunggu untuk kaunter "drop-off" barang dibuka, dia pun datang. Aku terkejut. KLIA ni besar kot, dia tau pulak aku kat penjuru ni. Dia mula berlagak "concern" dan menolak troli untuk aku..(TidaKKKKK!!!!) Aku tidak boleh terima. Mata orang di sekeliling mula memandang ke arah kami berdua. Aku berasa sangat malu & jiwaku meracau2 untuk lari dari dia... Pastu, dia siap tunggu aku kuar dari tandas dan macam-macam lah..eeeeee.....

Keadaan KLIA waktu awal pagi

Dia berlagak seperti aku ini gf dia... Padahal baru je kenal. Aku berasa tidak selesa dengan gerak gerinya. Lalu aku memberitahunya bahawa aku ingin masuk ke "boarding hall" (2 jam sebelum flight semata-mata ingin lari dari dia). Aku tak bersedia diperlakukan seperti itu, AKu pun tidak pasti sama ada aku ni masih tidak dapat lagi menerima pengganti.....Chewahh...kwkwkkwkw....

Sungguh scary lelaki itu. Sekarang aku berada di boarding hall. Menunggu flight. Berada tenang dengan ketiadaan dia.

November 19, 2010

Exam is over!!

Yeay! Examination for Semester 1,academic session of 2010/2011 is officially over !! Yuhuuu....

Overall, it's just so-so.. I think I did better for the last semester exams.

I'm praying that everything will be okay..

Tawau, here I come!

November 15, 2010


For me, doing good things to others are easy! But, doing it with sincerity is the hardest part of all. Sometimes, we "unintentionally" do good deeds because we can't say "no" when people asked for our helps. Although, at the back of our mind, we are just thinking other stuff such as counting the time as time passed by or even, how we wish we are spending time in our room.

Most of the time, we do good deeds to others just to repay their kindness. For those whom we have "bad history" with, tends to be out of our "helping list". We easily say no to this group of people. Yeah! Who want to help those who do not even care of doing what he should during our hard time? Definitely a no, no!

The one that we are closer with will be our top priority than someone that we just knew for seconds.(nah...months). Or even, someone we liked more than others will be our target to help.

Another example is, we help others, thinking that we will be benefited from it in the future. I think this is the worst of all. The benefits are not just in the form of material, but it can be also in the intangible form such as to be more acceptable by others, to have more friends or even to be treated more respectfully by others in the future. If we have the thinking of this at the back of our head. Watch out! We are actually in danger! That's why, I don't like to talk with someone that I respect, because I don't want to be nice to him just so that he will pay more attention to me! But also, I can't talk to him without respect. I'm not that kind of hypocrite!

All of the second thoughts of helping people will alter our real intention!! As a rsult, some of our good deeds won't even be rewarded with pahala. Can you believe that??!!

Mind control is a crucial things in life. I'm trying to control mine!

As a self reminder : Sometimes, we put money inside a donation box because we are ashamed to see all people around us are donating and we don't want to be the only one that did not. Don't bother doing it if you can't keep your intention straight!


Esok ada exam 4 unit.. Tapi aku mau share something ni..

Petang tadi kawan seorang ada bagitahu sesuatu. Amat menyedihkan. Pastu dia kata, dia terjangkit dah dengan aku..

Apalagi, jadi mangsa kecurangan lelaki lah.. Dia pun terima nasib yang sama jugak. Aku pun terdiam, berfikir... Walaupun dia ketawa seumpama bergurau, tapi aku tahu dia sedih.

Lalu aku pun berkira-kira, sudah berapa ramai kawan yang break-up sejak masuk USM ni (BF bukan di USM). Sangat BANYAK. Adehh...hubungan jarak jauh memang takkan jadi punya.. Kalau ada yang jadi pun, sebab ada kecurangan yang tidak terbongkar. Lambat-laun bila dah terbongkar, habis porak peranda keluarga. Ehh,, hubungan.

"Sometimes, something is better left unsaid"
, mau apply proverb ni pun tak boleh, nanti dikata tak jujur pulak.

Couple bukannya hubungan sah. Tidak boleh kata kita memiliki lelaki tu. Hatinya lelaki tu pun belum tentu 50% kita miliki. Kalau kahwin pun, bukan milik kita sepenuhnya. Kan dia ada keluarga lagi & dia selama-lamanya tetap hamba Allah, milik Allah.

Berperasaan ni sesuatu yang payah. Akibatnya sangat bahaya. Lebih baik stay neutral untuk perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan perasaan ni..

Aku dah give-up. Cuci mata tengok orang handsome lagi best! Commitment is not necessary by just WATCHING!

November 9, 2010

Primary School

My primary school mathematics teacher used to say to us that 80% of us will have hesitation to say hi when we meet her in the future. She said that it is because of the doubt that she may not recognize us.

When I heard that, I said I'm not in that statistic. I was convinced that my teacher will remember me because I'm UNIQUE and I always score in her subject.

Finally, the moment came by... I met her in a supermarket at the junk food and biscuits section. I just stand there. I watched her closely.. I want to say hi but the doubt came to me.. Will she remember who I am? I'm now wearing hijab, totally grown up, no longer wearing the weird spectacles. I'm even think that I'm now taller than she is. Will she remembers me?

Then, she went by.. I'm still there doing nothing, only my mind that keep on thinking about the appropriate things to do. But nothing was done. I reminisced the years when she taught me mathematics and her tears when we graduated from primary school.

I should not have did that to her. Even if she forgets, I should have shown my respect to her.

November 6, 2010


I just drank 1 glass of pepsi in KFC sungai dua three hours ago..Then, I took a table of penadol actifast just an hour ago. I keep on imaging the video I've saw years ago, in which the combination of paracetamol and diet coke exploded when they are in contact with each other. Just wondering will they explode in my stomach?

Luckily my roomate told me that nothing will happen (by sms) as herself has tried it once. At least I got hours of gap before taking the tablet. But my roomate took both of them directly.

As a conclusion, nothing will happen. Hahaha

3 days to final exam. Definitely most of you will understand why this blog is SO OUTDATED these few days.Hmm.. Maybe weeks..